JACKSON COUNTY LINE (Soul Tinged Rock Folk)
Jackson County Line has ebbed and flowed through the Southeastern music scene for the past 10 years, with events such as opening for Paul Thorn and headlining at Atlanta’s famed Eddie’s Attic Jackson County Line has ebbed and flowed through the Southeastern music scene for the past 10 years, with events such as opening for Paul Thorn and headlining at Atlanta’s famed Eddie’s Attic to their credit. Fans of this five piece band enjoy the lush pedal steel, the moan of the cello and the hauntingly beautiful imagery created from Kevin Jackson's songwriting and powerful vocals. JCL brings a soul tinged Americana to the forefront, with folk and rock and roll fringes that produce a big ‘mellow that will move you’ sound. Visit http://www.facebook.com/jacksoncountyline for more info!

Date and Time
Sunday Feb 26, 2017
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
$12 in advance/ $14 at door