STEEL CITY JUG SLAMMERS (Delta Blues & Old-Time Jug music
Like juke-joint heroes of the early 1900s, The Steel City Jug Slammers perform Delta blues and old-time jug music. And they do so well enough to champion the Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands, as well as earn an appearance on A Prairie Home Companion! This eclectic group of young musicians plays all traditional and homemade instruments, bringing a variety of wonderfully nostalgic sounds into the room. In return, comes the warmth of a musical art form that was almost lost in history. Don’t miss this unique evening of sure to be memorable music! For more info visit

Date and Time
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST
$13 advance/$16 after 5pm day of show
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