United Community Bank of Lumpkin County
About Us
A Message from the CEO
Dear Friend,
It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to United Community Bank.
Whether you are already a customer, or if you are looking for a new banking partner, we hope you will find this information to be helpful as you become acquainted with United and explore the products and services we offer.
United Community Bank is built upon the reputation of providing outstanding customer service in the most convenient and professional, friendly and caring manner possible. Our dedication to convenient service that has been the foundation of our company for over 50 years continues to be our commitment to our customers today, and that will never change. After all, our goal is simply to treat our customers the way we ourselves want to be treated.
In order to experience that commitment first-hand and to meet some of the members of our United Community Bank family, I invite you to visit any of our locations throughout Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee. We now have more than 90 offices and no matter which one you choose, I know you will feel the warmth and friendliness of United Community Bank.
Jimmy Tallent
President and CEO