2024 Inspire Women's Luncheon with Speaker Vicki Bunke
Join us for our next Inspire Luncheon at Vezalay and hear our speaker, Vicki Bunke.
“Vicki Bunke is the wife of Brian and mother of 2 girls, Grace and Caroline. She is a licensed child psychologist who has practiced in Marietta for 26 years both in the Cobb County School District and in private practice. Trained as a pediatric psychologist specializing in helping cancer patients cope with their diagnoses and treatments, she completed her doctoral work at the University of Georgia and her clinical work at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. Upon graduation, Vicki chose to work as a psychologist in the Cobb County School District thinking that she had left the hallways and rooms of a pediatric cancer clinic and hospital room behind. And she did, and she had, until August 2014 when her oldest daughter Grace was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. Grace lived with osteosarcoma for 4 years. Vicki and Brian are now learning how to live as empty nesters. Grace left their home for heaven in March 2018 and Caroline left for The University of Alabama in August of last year. Vicki has learned that after you hug and kiss your daughter and say "see you soon" and then walk to your car, it doesn't matter whether that occurs in the parking garage of a children's hospital or an all-girls college dormitory, it is in those moments that you come to realize that just when you think your teardrops will have no end, God's grace pours down upon you and you experience peace that transcends your turbulent and stormy circumstances.
Date and Time
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
11:30AM Doors open.
Noon Program begins.
$30 for Chamber members
$35 for non-members
Open to the public.
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Chamber Staff
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